Part 18: Sins of the Fathers 18: And It's All Thanks to Our Local Library!
Part Eighteen: And It's All Thanks to Our Local Library!So last time Gabriel officially joined the ranks of the Schattenjagers and obtained a large brass key. Well, theres only one locked room in the castle...

Welcome to Wolfgangs library. And boy oh boy is this section a pain in the ass. Pretty much each shelf contains a different topic, and we have to follow a chain in order to track down where Wolfgang went. So first we have to look through the shelves until we find this:

Ok, so we take the book and read:
Peoples Republic of Benin posted:
The Peoples Republic of Benin is an area of rich and diverse cultures and a proud heritage. Before slaving devastated many tribes, this area was populated by some of the oddest, fiercest, and most powerful tribes in tribal Africa: the Fons, the Dahomeys, and the terrible Agris. The book The Primal Ones by John Roots provides insight into these fascinating cultures.
Needless to say, our next target is that book, so back to looking through the shelves for it.
The Primal Ones posted:
In contrast with the peaceful, nomadic tribes of Northern Africa, certain tribes of the Southwest were vicious and xenophobic. This part of Africa is called the Red Basin area because of the vast amount of bloodshed thats occurred there over the centuries. In this one area of Africa existed, in a perpetual state of war and raiding, some of the most powerful and efficient fighters the world has ever seen. Why did this region inspire such violent behavior? To understand, one must look further back. See Ancient Roots of Africa by Earl E. Days.

Ancient Roots of Africa posted:
The ferocity of the tribes in the Red Basin region is traceable to their predecessors. In Egyptian time, 4000-2000 BC, this region was ruled by powerful sun worshippers. We know a little about this mysterious cult by the remnants of ruins far older and of a culture far more advanced than any that exists in Africa today. See Sun Worshippers by A. Curate.

Sun Worshippers posted:
One of the earliest religious practices was that of sun worship. The most powerful cults of sun worshippers lived on the continent of Africa. The African sun god was violent and terrible, and so became his worshippers. They practiced a particularly bloody form of ritual sacrifice. The homeland of this ancient cult is still considered a sacred site of power. See Ancient Digs of Africa by Professor Seymore Shards.
Ok, the puns are starting to physically hurt now. And pray tell, which African sun god would you be referring to? Awondo? Nyambi? Atenn? Ra?

Stop that.
Ancient Digs of Africa posted:
The most fascinating archaeological site in Africa is the Great Snake Mound in the Peoples Republic of Benin, located 50 miles south of the capital, in the Red Basin.
Oh yeah, the Pyramids, the Valley of the Kings, the Sphinx, those are all yesterdays news. Idiot.
Ancient Digs of Africa posted:
Like the snake mounds of North America, the origin and meaning of these great mounds remains a mystery, though clearly, they were the result of profound and urgent spiritual belief. Unlike other snake mounds, the African example is a double snake mound; a small snake ring within a larger snake ring. The mound is thought to have housed an ancient temple. Although archaeologists explored the mound site, the interior remains largely unchanged from ancient times. This is partially due to stringent Government regulations, and partially to local superstition. The local people regard the mound with fear, and wont go near it.

So Gabriel flips through the book and sees

If you forgot, a wheel-within-a-wheel is one of the images present in his recurring nightmare. I dont really see the snake aspect, myself though. Anywho, Gabriel pockets the book, and we can also look at a book about the Ritters.

And we can also look at the occult section

Spoiler: Next games about werewolves.

Now that weve amused ourselves, time to talk to Gerde again.

I thought your job was cooking Wolfgangs Fruhstuck?

We thank you for flying Air Mosely.

Next time, we meet Wolfgang in the flesh! Also, we get what this Voodoo-themed story has been sorely lacking!